Are hot tubs hard to care for?

Caring for a hot tub requires regular attention, but it doesn't have to be overly difficult if you establish a routine.
Here are some key aspects of hot tub maintenance for you to consider:
1. Water Balance:
It's important to regularly check and adjust the pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels of the water to prevent scaling, corrosion, and skin irritation.
There are Chemical Kits that are available to make testing easy.

2. Sanitisation:
To keep the water clean and safe, you need to use a sanitising agent like chlorine or bromine.
Maintaining proper sanitiser levels helps prevent bacteria and algae growth.
3. Filtration:
The hot tub's filter catches all of the smaller particles which collects in the hot tub water- these include the lotins and the potions, and unwanted debris which makes the hot tub water look cloudy and uninviting to use.
It is important to clean the filter (typically every 1-2 weeks), soak in a filter cleaner (every 4 weeks), and eventually replace the filter (every year).
When you clean the filter, we recommend that you have a spare filter to hand. This can used while the filter that has been cleaned is allowed to dry out properly.

4. Draining and Refilling:
Depending on use, the water in a hot tub should be completely drained and refilled every 3-4 months to maintain.
This helps to maintain the water clarity and quality.
If the inside of the hot tub shell, headrests and jets are also cleaned while the hot tub is empty, your hot tub water could last longer and need fewer water treatment products.
5. Cover Maintenance:
A good cover helps keep debris out of the hot tub and retains heat.
Ensure the cover is kept in a good condition and that you do not allow water or snow to accumulate on the top of it.
Make sure that you clean between all of the folds, seams and the stitching.
Make sure that you clean the underneath of the cover as it tends to gather dirt and debris - this can multiply as bacteria, condense and then pollute the hot tub water.

Although these tasks require consistent attention, many hot tub owners find that developing a routine, maybe even using using automated systems and monitoring apps, that this helps simplify the process, making hot tub maintenance quite manageable. Your hot tub experiences will certainly be better off and it will definitly help your hot long good and last a lot longer.