How do I clean the hot tub after folliculitis?

Cleaning your hot tub after an instance of folliculitis, often caused by the bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa, is crucial to prevent future occurrences and ensure safe bathing conditions.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to cleaning your hot tub:
Drain the Hot Tub: Completely drain the water from the hot tub.
This allows you to remove any bacteria present in the water and start fresh.
Clean Surfaces: Use a non-abrasive hot tub cleaner or a mixture of water and white vinegar to scrub the shell, seats, and all surfaces thoroughly.
Pay special attention to jets, filters, and nooks where bacteria might hide.

Clean or Replace Filters: Remove filters and clean them using a filter cleaner or soak them in a solution of one part water to one part vinegar.
If the filter is very old or heavily soiled, it may be best to replace it entirely.
Flush Waterlines: Use a specialised line flush cleaner designed for hot tubs to clean out the plumbing system. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the product.
This process will help eliminate any biofilm or bacterial growth inside the pipes.
Refill the Hot Tub: Fill the hot tub with fresh water.
Shock the Water: Use a hot tub shock treatment to oxidise any remaining contaminants. This usually involves adding chlorine or non-chlorine shock, following the package instructions.
Re-sanitise the Water: Add a regular sanitiser to the water, such as chlorine or bromine, to maintain safe levels that effectively kill bacteria.
Make sure you maintain the correct sanitiser levels, checking them regularly using a water testing kit.
Balance the Water Chemistry: Test and adjust the pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels to the recommended ranges for your hot tub.
Ideal pH levels are usually around 7.2 to 7.8.

Run the Pump: Turn on the hot tub pump and let it circulate the water for at least 30 minutes to ensure the sanitiser is distributed throughout the system.
Routine Maintenance: Check water chemistry regularly, ideally weekly or before each use.
Clean and sterilise the hot tub and change the water on a routine basis, according to the manufacturer’s guidelines or more frequently if usage is high.
Implementing a proper maintenance routine reduces the risk of hot tub folliculitis and also helps extends the lifespan of your hot tub.
If you're unsure about the chemical adjustments or specific products to use, consult the hot tub’s manufacturer instructions or a speak you your local hot tub dealer.